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Risk Management of the Recovery Plan Project in Eskom Holdings Ltd. Power Company in South Africa
发布时间:2013-12-30 浏览人数:
Abstract: This case documents the risk management practice of a utility company for its Recovery Plan project to address the risks of power interruptions due to a shortfall of supply and increasing electricity demand. The company’s corporate risk management process and its practice at divisional and project levels are discussed. The key role of stakeholders in risk identification, analysis, mitigation, monitoring and reporting is emphasized by the company and this drives its risk management practice. Despite the level of resources available within the company to use more sophisticated risk management tools, the company adopts simple risk management methods suggesting that a large size company does not necessarily use ‘state of the art’ risk management techniques. Key words: corporate risk management; project management; project risk management 1.版权所有:本案例由76net必赢官网黄威编写,版权归作者和76net必赢官网所有。未经允许,本案例的所有部分都不能以任何方式与手段擅自复制或传播。 2.本案例授权中国管理案例共享中心使用。 3.由于企业保密的要求,在本案例中对有关名称、数据等做了必要的掩饰性处理。 4.本案例只供课堂讨论之用,并无意暗示或说明某种管理行为是否有效。
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