主 讲 人:黄楷 加拿大麦克马斯特大学DeGroote商学院教授
主 持 人:赵学锋 信息管理与数据科学系教授
黄楷,加拿大McMaster大学DeGroote商学院教授,本科毕业于76net必赢官网,硕士毕业于清华大学,博士毕业于美国佐治亚理工。主要研究领域为数据驱动的优化技术在商务智能和供应链管理方面的应用。主要研究成果发表于国际顶级管理学期刊上,如运筹管理(Operations Research)、Naval Research Logistics和Mathematical Programming上面,获得加拿大国家自然科学基金、加拿大国家社会科学基金和加拿大国家咨询委员会项目资助,在加拿大学术圈有较高的影响力。2024年获得McMaster大学DeGroote商学院研究优秀奖。
The goal of this research is to help governments develop vehicle charging networks for public use via the application of multistage stochastic integer programming model that determines both the locations and capacities of charging facilities over finite planning horizons. The logit choice model is used to estimate drivers’ choices of nearby charging stations. Moreover, we characterize the charging demand as a function of the charging station quantity to reflect the range anxiety of consumers. The objective of the model is to minimize the expected total cost of installing and operating the charging facilities. An approximation algorithm, a heuristic algorithm, and a branch-and-price algorithm are designed to solve the model. We conduct numerical experiments to test the efficiency of these algorithms. Importantly, each algorithm has advantages over the CPLEX MIP solver. Finally, the City of Oakville in Ontario, Canada, is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of this model。