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【学术通知】美国休斯顿大学Bauer商学院彭小松副教授:Do Acquisitions Improve Healthcare Provider Operating Performance? The Roles of Geographic proximity and Service Line Similarity

  • 发布日期:2019-06-10
  • 点击数:



演讲主题: Do Acquisitions Improve Healthcare Provider Operating Performance? The Roles of Geographic proximity and Service Line Similarity

主 讲 人: 彭小松副教授,美国休斯顿大学Bauer商学院、Journal of Operations Management副主编

主 持 人: 陈宗建副教授,生产运作与物流管理系

活动时间: 2019年6月17日(周一)10:00-12:00

活动地点: 76net必赢官网119室


彭小松博士现任休斯顿大学Bauer商学院副教授。此前在美国德州农工大学任讲师。彭教授从美国明尼苏达大学获得运营管理博士学位,并在美国卡内基梅隆大学获得信息系统硕士学位。彭教授主要的研究领域包括运营战略,服务运营,和信息系统和运营的交叉研究等。研究方法以实证分析为主。彭教授已在在国际顶级期刊和一流期刊发表过近二十篇论文。彭教授现担国际顶级期刊Production and Operations Management Journal资深编辑和Journalof Operations Management副主编,并在国际一流期刊Decision Sciences Journal和Journal of Supply Chain Management任副主编。彭教授的研究多次获奖,包括Decision Science Institute Best Paper Award, Academy of Management Best Paper Award finalist (三次),中国教育部研究成果奖,和Juran Center for Leadership in Quality fellowship等。 他还多次获得期刊编辑方面的奖项包括Journalof Operations Management最佳副主编奖和Production and Operations Management最佳编委奖等。


Healthcare mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have been on the rise since the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 went into effect. However, the research literature largely neglects the operational coordination between the acquired and the acquirer that may contribute to post-acquisition performance of healthcare providers. Since hosptials are the major healthcare providers, this study first examines whether acquisitions contribute to cost and quality performance of the acquired and the acquirer hospitals. Next, it estimates the extent to which the performance improvements are derived from similarities between the acquired and the acquirer hospitals in two operational characteristics namely geographical location and service lines. Analyzing four years (2010-2013) of data from 218 pairs of acquired and acquirer hospitals in the U.S., our study finds that: (i) hospital acquisition results in lower operating expenses and readmission rates for the acquired hospitals but not for the acquirer hospitals,(ii)there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between the pre-acquisition degree of service line similarity and the post-acquisition quality performance improvements of the acquiredhospitals; (iii) the inverted U-shaped curve representing the relationship betweenthe degree ofservice similarity and the post-acquisition quality improvements is moderated by geographic proximity.The findings suggest that acquisition mainly benefit the acquired hospitals. Hospitals looking to acquisition should jointly evaluate geographical proximity and service lines similarity of the acquisition target given their interaction effects.


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