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【学术通知】中国人民大学营销系副教授丁瑛:The Impact of Social Crowding on Consumer Preference for a Product Bundle

  • 发布日期:2019-05-08
  • 点击数:



演讲主题:The Impact of Social Crowding on ConsumerPreference for a Product Bundle

主 讲 人:丁瑛,中国人民大学营销系副教授

主 持 人:常亚平,76net必赢官网工商系教授




Dr. Ying Ding is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Renmin Business School, RenminUniversity of China. Her research interests includeconsumer psychology, decision-making and self-concept relatedconsumption. Her research has been publishedin premium journals includingJournal of Consumer Research,Journal of Consumer Psychology,Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, andEuropean Journal of Marketing.In 2018, her research received Emerald Highly Commended Paper Award. She presentedher research work at various international academicconferences such as Association for Consumer Research NorthAmerican Annual Conference (2011, 2012, 2014, 2017), EuropeanMarketing Academy Conference (2011) and Global MarketingConference (2010).


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