[1] 智慧营销与治理的理论与实践研究, 国家自然科学基金重点项目
(NO. 72232003),执行期:2023-01至2027-12
[2] 全渠道营销的理论与实践研究,国家自然科学基金国际合作重点项目
[3] 在线多媒体协同对购买意愿的影响机理研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目
[4] SNS环境下交互行为对消费决策的作用机理研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目
[5] 虚拟社区知识共享对消费者购买决策的影响机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目
[1] 湖北省科技进步二等奖:加入WTO对湖北省纺织工业的影响和对策研究
[2] 内蒙古自治区科技进步二等奖:资源富集地区县域经济可持续发展研究
[3] 湖北省科技进步三等奖:国企改制案例研究
[4] 武汉市科技进步三等奖:武汉市轻、纺、化产业方略研究
[5] 湖北省社会科学优秀成果三等奖:国企改制研究
[1] 76net必赢官网“教师教学竞赛一等奖”
[2] 76net必赢官网“教学名师”称号
[3] 湖北省高等学校教学成果二等奖:高校经管类专业现代信息技术理论与应用研究
[4] 湖北省高等学校教学成果二等奖:教研室全面负责班级学生工作的尝试
[5] “挑战杯”国家奖(银奖):新一代智能探测开拓者:分布式光声成像仪研究
[6] 湖北省优秀学士学位论文指导奖:我国民工短缺问题的分析与对策研究
[7] 湖北省优秀学士学位论文指导奖:品牌对顾客忠诚的影响研究
[8] 湖北省优秀硕士学位论文指导奖:消费者初始网上购物行为影响因素研究
[9] 湖北省一流本科课程(实验类):基于生理测量和购物效果反馈的虚拟超市设计与运营实验
[1] Emerald杰出论文奖:Multichannel integration quality, online perceived value and online purchase intention: A perspective of land-based retailers
[2] CMIC最佳论文奖:Showing to Friends or Strangers? The relationship Orientation Influences the Effect of Social Exclusion on Conspicuous Consumption
[1] Li You, * Chang Yaping, Liang Zhehao. Attracting more meaningful interactions: The impact of question and product types on comments on social media advertisings[J]. Journal of Business Research, 2022, 150: 89-101.(通讯作者,SSCI,IF 10.969,Q1)
[2] Chang Yaping, Geng Lixiao. Planned or unplanned purchases? The effects of perceived values on omnichannel continuance intention. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 2022, 50(12): 1535-1551. (SSCI,IF 4.743,Q2)
[3] Geng Lixiao, Chang Yaping. The effects of utilitarian value on omnichannel continuance intention: the moderating role of product involvement[J]. Baltic Journal of Management, 2022, 17(4): 484-500. (SSCI,IF 2.753,Q4)
[4] Chang Ya Ping, Jingwen Li. Seamless experience in the context of omnichannel shopping: scale development and empirical validation[J]. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2022, 64: 102800.(SSCI,IF 10.972,Q1)
[5] Yan Jun, Ali Ihtesham, Ali Rizwan, Chang Yaping. The Power of Affection: Exploring the Key Drivers of Customer Loyalty in Virtual Reality-Enabled Services[J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2022, 13: 850896. (SSCI,IF 4.232,Q1)
[6] Liang Shichang, Chu Yuxuan, Zhang Min, Chang Yaping, Yan Yanling, He Lingling, Wei Tie. The influence of promotion mode of green products on sharing intention[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 364: 132633. (SSCI,IF 11.072,Q1)
[7] Liang Shichang, Dong Xuebing, Yan Yanling, Chang Yaping. The influence of the inconsistent color presentation of the original price and sale price on purchase likelihood[J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, 12: 603754. (SSCI,IF 4.232,Q1)
[8] Liang Shichang, Chu Yuxuan, Wang Yunshan, Zhang Ziqi, Wu Yunjie, Chang Yaping. “Scapegoat” for Offline Consumption: Online Review Response to Social Exclusion[J]. Frontiers in psychology, 2021, 12: 783483. (SSCI,IF 4.232,Q1)
[9] Zhu Donghong, *Chang Yaping. Robot with humanoid hands cooks food better? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2020, 32(3), 1367-1383. (SSCI, IF 5.667, Q1)
[10] Zhu Donghong, Deng Zhongzhun, *Chang Yaping. Understanding the influence of submission devices on online consumer reviews: A comparison between smartphones and PCs. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2020, 54: 102028. (通讯作者, SSCI, IF 4.219, Q2)
[11] *Chang Yaping, Li You, Yan Jun, V. Kumar. Getting more likes: the impact of narrative person and brand image on customer–brand interactions. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2019, 47(6): 1027-1045. (FT50, SSCI, IF 7.959, Q1)
[12] Wang Yawei, *Chang Yaping. What you are confident of determines your choices in context: Confidence in yourself versus in your ability. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2019, 32(4): 375-387. (通讯作者, SSCI, IF 1.715, Q3)
[13] Liang Shichang, *Chang Yaping, Dong Xuebing, Wang Jinshan. Perceived uniqueness: Locus of control, social exclusion, and choice. Social Behavior and Personality, 2019, 47(11): 1-7. (SSCI, IF 0.676, Q4)
[14] Zhu Dong Hong, Zhang Zhi Jie, *Chang Ya Ping, Liang Shichang. Good discounts earn good reviews in return? Effects of price promotion on online restaurant reviews. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2019, 77: 178-186. (SSCI, IF 6.701, Q1)
[15] Dong Xuebing, *Chang Yaping, Liang Shichang, Fan Xiaojun. How online media synergy influences consumers’ purchase intention: A perspective from broadcast and interactive media. Internet Research, 2018, 28(4): 946-964. (通讯作者, SSCI, IF 4.109, Q1)
[16] Liang Shichang, He Yun, *Chang Yaping, Dong Xuebing, Zhu Donghong. Showing to friends or strangers? Relationship orientation influences the effect of social exclusion on conspicuous consumption. Journal of Consumer Behavior, 2018, 17(4): 355-365. (通讯作者, SSCI, IF 1.580, Q3)
[17] Zhu Dong Hong, Wang Ya Wei, *Chang Ya Ping. The influence of online cross recommendation on consumers’ instant cross-buying intention: the moderating role of decision-making difficulty. Internet Research, 2018, 28(3): 604-622. (SSCI, IF 4.109, Q1)
[18] Wang Yawei, *Chang Yaping. How specific and general self-confidence affect assortment decisions. Social Behavior and Personality, 2018, 46(10): 1687-1696. (通讯作者, SSCI, IF 0.535, Q4)
[19] Zhu Dong Hong, Ye Zhen Qi, *Chang Ya Ping. Understanding the textual content of online customer reviews in B2C websites: A cross-cultural comparison between the US and China. Computers in Human Behavior, 2017, 76: 483-493. (SSCI, IF 3.536, Q1)
[20] Liang, Shichang; *Chang, Ya Ping; Wang, Jinshan. Social exclusion and conspicuous consumption: The moderating effect of power state. Social Behavior and Personality, 2017, 45(2): 321-329. (通讯作者, SSCI, IF 0.458, Q4)
[21] Dong, Xue Bing; *Chang, Ya Ping; Wang, Ya Wei; Yan, Jun. Understanding usage of Internet of Things (IOT) systems in China: cognitive experience and affect experience as moderator. Information Technology & People, 2017, 30(1): 117-138. (SSCI, IF 1.639, Q2)
[22] Dong, Xue Bing; *Chang, Ya Ping. Effects of the characteristics of online multimedia synergy on consumers' message acceptance and message response. Online Information Review, 2017, 41(5): 710-727. (SSCI, IF 1.675, Q2)
[23] Liang, Shichang; *Chang, Ya Ping; Social exclusion and choice: The moderating effect of power state. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 2016, 15(5): 449-458.(通讯作者, SSCI, IF 1.481, Q3)
[24] Zhu, Dong Hong; Sun, Hui; *Chang, Ya Ping. Effect of social support on customer satisfaction and citizenship behavior in online brand communities: The moderating role of support source. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2016, 31: 287-293.(通讯作者)
[25] *Chang, Ya Ping; Dong, Xue Bing. Research on the impact of consumer interaction behavior on purchase intention in an SNS environment: evidence from China. Information Development, 2016, 32(3): 496-508. (SSCI, IF 1.691, Q3)
[26] Wu, Jin Feng; *Chang, Ya Ping. Multichannel integration quality, online perceived value and online purchase intention: A perspective of land-based retailers, Internet Research, 2016, 26(5): 1228-1248.(通讯作者, SSCI, IF 2.931, Q1, Emerald 2017 Highly Commended Award Paper)
[27] Zhu, Dong Hong; *Chang, Ya Ping; Luo, Jian Jun. Understanding the influence of C2C communication on purchase decision in online communities from a perspective of information adoption model. Telematics and Informatics, 2016, 33(1): 8-16. (通讯作者, SSCI, IF 3.398, Q1)
[28] Zhu, Dong Hong; *Chang, Ya Ping; Chang, An. Effects of free gifts with purchase on online purchase satisfaction: The moderating role of uncertainty, Internet Research. 2015, 25(5), 1-18. (通讯作者, SSCI, IF 3.017, Q1)
[29] Zhu, Dong Hong; *Chang, Ya Ping. Effects of interactions and product information on initial purchase intention in product placement in social games: the moderating role of product familiarity. Journal of Electronic commerce Research, 2015, 16(1): 22-33. (通讯作者, SSCI, If 1.255, Q3)
[30] *Chang, Ya Ping; Gao, Yin; Zhu, Dong Hong. The impact of product regret on repurchase intention, Social Behavior and Personality, 2015, 43(8), 1347-1360. (SSCI, IF 0.366, Q4)
[31] Zhu, Dong Hong; *Chang, Ya Ping; Luo, Jian Jun; Li, Xin. Understanding the adoption of location-based recommendation agents among active users of social networking sites, Information Processing & Management, 2014, 50(5): 675-682. (通讯作者, SSCI, IF 1.265, Q2)
[32] *Chang, Ya Ping; Xuebing Dong; Wei Sun. Influence of characteristics of the Internet of Thing on consumer purchase intention. Social Behavior and Personality, 2014, 42(2): 321-330. (SSCI, IF 0.366, Q4)
[33] Zhu, Dong Hong, *Chang, Ya Ping. Investigating consumer attitude and intention toward free trials of technology-based services. Computers in Human Behavior, 2014, 30(1): 328–334.(通讯作者, SSCI, IF 2.694, Q1)
[34] Zhu, Dong Hong, *Chang, Ya Ping. Understanding motivations for continuance intention of online communities in China: A comparison of active users of social networking sites and virtual communities. Information Development, 2014, 30(2): 172-180. (通讯作者, SSCI, IF 0.491, Q3)
[35] Zhu, Dong Hong; *Chang, Ya Ping. Negative Publicity Effect of the Business Founder's Unethical Behavior on Corporate Image: Evidence from China. Journal of Business Ethics, 2013, 117(1): 111-121. (通讯作者, SSCI, IF 1.552, Q1, FT50期刊)
[36] *Chang, Ya Ping, Zhu, Dong Hong. The role of perceived social capital and flow experience in building users' continuance intention to social networking sites in China, Computers in Human Behavior, 2012, 28(3): 995-1001. (SSCI, IF 2.067, Q1)
[37] *Chang, Ya Ping; Zhu, Dong Hong. Understanding social networking sites adoption in china: a comparison of pre-adoption and post-adoption. Computers in Human Behavior, 2011, 27(5), 1840-1848. (SSCI, IF 2.293, Q1)
[38] *Chang, Ya-Ping, Zhu, Dong-Hong, Wang, Ho Simon. The influence of service quality on gamer loyalty in massively multiplayer online role-playing games, Social Behavior and Personality, 2011, 39(10):1297-1302. (SSCI, IF 0.307, Q4)
[1] 李游,梁哲浩,常亚平.用户对人工智能产品的算法厌恶研究述评及展望[J].管理学报,2022,19(11):17251732.
[2] 梁世昌,张敏,初宇轩,常亚平.绿色产品密度对购买意愿的影响[J].管理科学,2022,35(04):32~43.
[3] 朱东红,常亚平.不务正业还是令人钦佩?县长直播带货对购买意愿的影响[J/OL].南开管理评论:1~25[2022-12-06].
[4] 董学兵, 常亚平, 肖灵. 虚拟品牌社群氛围对品牌忠诚的影响. 管理学报, 2018, 15(11): 1697-1704 (CSSCI)
[5] 董学兵,常亚平. 多媒体协同的综述与展望,管理现代化,2018,(1):115~117. (CSSCI)
[6] 常亚平,王良燕,黄劲松,王永贵,邹鹏. 3D(大数据、数字化和发展中)背景下的营销战略与转型专栏介绍,管理科学,2018,31(5):1-2 (CSSCI)
[7] 吴锦峰,常亚平,侯德林. 传统零售商的线上品牌延伸: 追求 “线上—线下” 还是“线上—原型” 一致性,南开管理评论,2017,20(2): 144~154 (CSSCI)
[8] 吴锦峰,常亚平,侯德林. O2O 零售系统顾客采纳意愿实证研究——基于网络购物经验的调节作用,中国流通经济,2016,30(5): 72~80 (CSSCI)
[9] 吴锦峰,常亚平,侯德林. 多渠道整合对零售商权益的影响: 基于线上与线下的视角,南开管理评论,2016,19(2): 170~181 (CSSCI)
[10] 常亚平,陆志愿,朱东红. 在线社会支持对顾客公民行为的影响研究——基于品牌社区的实证分析,管理学报,2015,12(10):1536~1543 (CSSCI)
[11] 常亚平,董学兵. 虚拟社区消费信息内容特性对信息分享行为的影响研究, 情报杂志,2014,33(1):201~207+200 (CSSCI)
[12] 吴锦峰,常亚平,潘慧明. 多渠道整合质量对线上购买意愿的作用机理研究,管理科学,2014,27(1):86~98 (CSSCI)
[13] 常亚平,肖万福,阎俊,邱媛媛,符捷. C2C环境下服务质量对阶段信任的影响研究,管理学报,2014,11(8):1215~1223 (CSSCI)
[14] 吴锦峰,常亚平,潘慧明,黄纯辉. 服装产品创新对品牌权益的影响:基于消费者的视角,预测,2014,33(5):8~14 (CSSCI)
[15] 黄纯辉,常亚平,周兴建. 突发公共卫生事件对出游意愿影响的实证研究,交通运输系统工程与信息,2014,14(5):234~241
[16] 夏保国,常亚平. 政务微信的沟通机制研究——基于技术接受模型的视角,国家行政学院学报,2014,(3):102~106 (CSSCI)
[17] 阎俊,胡少龙,常亚平. 基于公平视角的网络环境下服务补救对顾客忠诚的作用机理研究,管理学报,2013,10(10):1512~1519 (CSSCI)
[18] 朱东红,常亚平. 老化品牌产品创新对消费者购买意愿的影响研究, 软科学,2012, 26(1):142~144 (CSSCI)
[19] 阎俊,蒋音波,常亚平. 网络口碑动机与口碑行为的关系研究, 管理评论, 2011, 23(12):84~91 (CSSCI)
[20] 常亚平,孙威,张金隆. 研究生团队创新氛围的影响因素研究,科研管理,2013,34(7):1~10 (CSSCI)
[21] 闫幸,常亚平. 社交网站虚拟礼品购物价值对购买意愿的影响研究,管理学报,2013, 10(2):252~259 (CSSCI)
[22] 常亚平,夏保国. 网络营销:管好第三方评论,北大商业评论,2013,(10):98~106
[23] 闫幸,常亚平. 企业微博互动策略对消费者品牌关系的影响——基于新浪微博的扎根分析,营销科学学报,2013,9(1):62~78 (CSSCI)
[24] 常亚平,肖万福,覃伍,阎俊. 网络环境下第三方评论对冲动购买意愿的影响机制:以产品类别和评论员级别为调节变量,心理学报,2012,44(9):1244~1264 (CSSCI)
[25] 常亚平,罗劲,阎俊. 服务补救悖论形成机理研究,管理评论,2012,24(3):100~107 (CSSCI)
[26] 常亚平,朱东红,李荣华. 感知产品创新对冲动购买的作用机制研究,科研管理, 2012,33(3):18~26 (CSSCI)
[27] 吴锦峰,常亚平,侯德林. 网络商店形象对情感反应和在线冲动性购买意愿的影响,商业经济与管理,2012,1(8):35~44 (CSSCI)
[28] 闫幸,常亚平. 微博研究综述,情报杂志,2011,30(9):61~65+70 (CSSCI)
[29] 涂晓春,常亚平. 员工非工作上网行为研究:基于组织因素的实证,管理学报,2011,8(12):1813~1817 (CSSCI)
[30] 常亚平,刘兴菊,阎俊,张金隆. 虚拟社区知识共享之于消费者购买意向的研究,管理科学学报,2011,11(4):86~96 (CSSCI)
[31] 常亚平,邱媛媛,阎俊,张金隆. 虚拟社区知识共享主体对首购意愿的作用机理研究, 管理科学,2011,24(2):74~84 (CSSCI)
[32] 常亚平,韩丹,姚慧平,张金隆. 在线店铺设计对消费者购买意愿的影响研究,管理学报,2011,8(6):879~884 (CSSCI)
[33] 常亚平,朱东红. 社交网络用户参与动机的测量,图书情报工作,2011,55(14):32~35 (CSSCI)
[34] 常亚平,覃伍,阎俊. 研究生团队隐性知识共享机制研究,科研管理,2010,31(2):86~93 (CSSCI)
[35] 常亚平,朱东红. 基于应答者视角的网络调查参与行为影响因素研究,图书情报工作,2010,54(2):136~139 (CSSCI)
[36] 常亚平,郑宇,朱东红,阎俊. 企业员工文化匹配、组织承诺和工作绩效的关系研究,管理学报,2010,7(3):373~378 (CSSCI)
[37] 闫幸,常亚平. SNS研究综述,情报杂志,2010,29(11):44~47 (CSSCI)
[38] 涂晓春,常亚平,张金隆. 员工非工作上网行为个人影响因素的实证研究,工业工程与管理,2010,15(5):105~110 (CSSCI)
[39] 王珍义,常亚平,阎俊,章艳. 中国会计不道德行为影响因素的实证研究——基于组织和社会环境的视角,管理学报,2010,7(6):916~920 (CSSCI)
[40] 常亚平,陈亮,阎俊. 高校“学生评教”误差形成机制研究——基于学生态度的视角,高教探索,2010,(1):80~86 (CSSCI)
[41] 常亚平,宗树阔. 中国高校学生贫困度测评体系和评价模型构建研究,高教探索,2009,(1):119~124 (CSSCI)
[42] 常亚平,姚慧平,韩丹,阎俊,张金隆. 电子商务环境下服务补救对顾客忠诚的影响机制研究,管理评论,2009,21(11):30~37 (CSSCI)
[43] 常亚平,朱东红,张金隆. 影响消费者重复网上购物行为因素的实证研究——基于电子商务环境和网络商店因素的数据分析,管理评论,2009,21(4):65~71 (CSSCI)
[44] 常亚平,刘艳阳,阎俊,张金隆. B2C环境下网络服务质量对顾客忠诚的影响机理,系统工程理论与实践,2009,29(6):94~106 (CSSCI)
[45] 常亚平,朱东红,张金隆. 虚拟社区知识共享与消费者品牌转换的关系研究,管理学报, 2009,6(11):1536~1540 (CSSCI)
[46] 常亚平,蒋音播,阎俊. 基于组织因素的高校学术不端行为影响因素的敏感性分析, 管理学报,2009,6(2):264~270 (CSSCI)
[47] 常亚平,郑宇,阎俊,张金隆. 中国企业文化测量体系的构建研究,预测,2009,28(4):76~80 (CSSCI)
[48] 常亚平,阎俊,方琪.企业社会责任行为、产品价格对消费者购买意愿的影响研究,管理学报,2008,5(1):110~117 (CSSCI)
[49] 常亚平,蒋音播. 高校学者学术不端行为影响因素的实证研究——基于个人因素的数据分析,科学学研究,2008,26(6):1238~1242 (CSSCI)
[50] 常亚平,吕彪. 基于B2C环境的物流配送模型改进,工业工程与管理,2008,13(4):43~48 (CSSCI)
[51] 常亚平,侯晓丽,阎俊. 基于RSR法的高校图书馆读者满意评价体系及模型构建研究, 情报科学,2008,26(11):1712~1715 (CSSCI)
[52] 常亚平,侯晓丽,刘艳阳. 中国高校大学生求学满意度测评体系和评价模型研究,高等教育研究,2007,28(9):1712~1715 (CSSCI)
[53] 常亚平,朱东红. 基于消费者创新性视角的网上购物意向影响因素研究,管理学报,2007,4(6):820~823 (CSSCI)
[54] 常亚平,姚慧平,刘艳阳. 独立学院学生求学满意度影响因子的敏感性研究,高等工程教育研究,2007,(6):119~122 (CSSCI)