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博士后: 76net必赢官网(2015)

博士: 76net必赢官网,管理科学与工程(2011)

硕士: 76net必赢官网,管理科学与工程(2009)

学士: 哈尔滨工业大学76net必赢官网,信息管理与信息系统(2005)













【1】Q. Hu, Z. Pan*. Is cute AI more forgivable? The impact of informal language styles and relationship norms of conversational agents on service recovery. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2024, 65.

【2】Q. Hu, Y. Lu, Z. Pan*, B. Wang. How does AI use drive individual digital resilience? a conservation of resources (COR) theory perspective. Behaviour & Information Technology, 2023, 42(15): 2654–2673.

【3】F. Zhang, Z. Pan*, Y. Lu. AIoT-enabled smart surveillance for personal data digitalization: Contextual personalization-privacy paradox in smart home. Information and Management, 2023, 60(2): 103736. (ESI高被引论文,IF: 9.9)

【4】Q. Hu, Z. Pan*, Y. Lu, B. Wang. Heterophily or Homophily of Social Media Influencers: The Role of Dual Parasocial Relationships in Impulsive Buying. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2023, 27(4): 558–589.

【5】Q. Hu, Z. Pan*. Can AI benefit individual resilience? The mediation roles of AI routinization and infusion. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2023, 73(March): 103339.

【6】Q. Hu, Z. Pan*, Y. Lu, S. Gupta. How does material adaptivity of smart objects shape infusion use? The pivot role of social embeddedness. Internet Research, 2023, (72171095).

【7】Q. Hu, Y. Lu*, Z. Pan*, Y. Gong, Z. Yang. Can AI artifacts influence human cognition? The effects of artificial autonomy in intelligent personal assistants. International Journal of Information Management, 2021, 56(September 2020): 102250. (ESI高被引论文,IF:14.098)

【8】Z. Pan, Y. Lu, S. Gupta, Q. Hu. You change, I change: an empirical investigation of users’ supported incremental technological change in mobile social media. Internet Research, 2021, 31(1): 208–233.

【9】Y. Chen, Y. Lu, B. Wang, Z. Pan*. How do product recommendations affect impulse buying? An empirical study on WeChat social commerce. Information and Management, 2019, 56(2): 236–248. (ESI高被引论文,IF:7.555)

【10】Y. Chen, Y. Lu, S. Gupta, Z. Pan*. Understanding “window” shopping and browsing experience on social shopping website: An empirical investigation. Information Technology and People, 2020, 33(4): 1124–1148.

【11】K. Wang, Z. Pan*, Y. Lu, S. Gupta. What Motives Users to Participate in Danmu on Live Streaming Platforms? The Impact of Technical Environment and Effectance. Data and Information Management, 2019, 3(3): 117–134.

【12】Z. Pan, Y. Lu, B. Wang, P. Y. K. Chau. Who Do You Think You Are? Common and Differential Effects of Social Self-Identity on Social Media Usage. Journal of Management Information Systems, 2017, 34(1),Routledge: 71–101.

【13】Yunfan Lu, Yaobin Lu, B. Wang, Z. Pan, H. Qin. Acceptance of government-sponsored agricultural information systems in China: the role of government social power. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 2015, 13(2): 329–354. (FT 50,FMS A类, IF:7.838)

【14】Z. Pan, Y. Lu, S. Gupta. How heterogeneous community engage newcomers? the effect of community diversity on newcomers’ perception of inclusion: An empirical study in social media service. Computers in Human Behavior, 2014, 39: 100–111.

【15】F. Zhang, Z. Pan*, Y. Lu, Q. Hu. The dark side of artificial autonomy: Formation and mitigation of AI technostress in smart voice assistants (SVAs). in PACIS 2022 Proceedings, 2022: 1696. (PACIS 2022最佳论文提名)

【16】Y. Wu, C. Zou, L. Wang, Z. Pan. Emotion Makes Rumor Viral ? The Effects of Discrete Emotions on Rumor-Mongering on Social Media During a Social Crisis. in WHICEB 2022 Proceedings, 2022: 25.

【17】Q. Hu, Z. Pan, J. Liu. The duality of autonomy on continuous usage of intelligent personal assistants (IPAs): From agency perspective. in Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Secure ICT Platform for the 4th Industrial Revolution, PACIS 2019.

【18】Y. Sun, K. K. Wei, Y. Lu, Z. Pan. We recreate it and we love it: The impact of collaborative generated content (CGC) on user’s willingness to pay. PACIS 2018 Proceedings, 2018: 1–9.

【19】S. Fan, J. Liu, Y. Lu, Z. Pan. User comments get closer: The impacts of danmu proximity on video quality of experience and user engagement. in PACIS 2018 Proceedings, 2018, (Vol. 293): 1–9.

【20】S. Fan, Y. Lu, L. Zhao, Z. Pan. You are not alone: The impacts of Danmu technological features and co-experience on consumer video watching behavior. PACIS 2017 Proceedings, 2017,: 85.

【21】Y. Sun, K. K. Wei, Y. Lu, Z. Pan. Implicit community in online social groups: understand consumer network and purchase behavior. Proceedings ot the 21st Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: “‘Societal Transformation Through IS/IT’”, PACIS 2017, 2017: 214.


担任《Journal of Electronic Commerce Research》副主编



国际信息系统学会(AIS) 会员

《Journal of Management Information Systems》,《Journal of the Association for Information Systems》,《Information & Management》, 《International Journal of Electronic Commerce》,《International Journal of Information Management》,《Computers in Human Behavior》, 《Electronic Commerce Research and Applications》, 《Journal of Electronic Commerce Research》,《Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services》等期刊审稿人


PACIS 2022最佳论文提名
