1. Haijun Wang, Lingchunzi Li*, Jiaxuan Sun, Minghao Shen. Carbon emissions abatement with duopoly generators and eco-conscious consumers: Carbon tax vs carbon allowance, Economic Analysis and Policy, 2023(80): 786-804
2. Lingchunzi Li, Haijun Wang, Xin Yan*, Yiwen Bian. Forward Contracting and Spot Trading in Electricity Markets, Annals of Operations Research, August 26, 2023.online
3. Lingchunzi Li, Jing Wang, Haijun Wang*, Xin Jin, Lijing Du, Intermodal transportation hub location optimization with governments subsidies under the Belt and Road Initiative, Ocean and Coastal Management, 2023 (231) 106414:1-15
4. Fei Xiao, Haijun Wang*, Shuojia Guo, Xu Guan, Baoshan Liu, Efficient and Truthful Multi-Attibute Auctions for Crowdsourced Delivery, International Journal of Production Economics, 2021, 240: 1-12
5. Kubat, P., Wang, H.J. A Study on Various Forecasting Methods and Their Effects on the Bullwhip Effect and Inventory in the Simulated Supply Chain. American Journal of Management, 2020, 9 (1):79-99
6. Nadeesha Abeysekara, Haijun Wang, Duminda Kuruppuarachchi, Effect of supply-chain resilience on firm performance and competitive advantage: A study of the Sri Lankan apparel industry, Business Process Management Journal, 2019, 25 (7): 1673-1695
7. M.M. Nadeesha Priyadarshani Abeysekara*, Haijun Wang, Duminda Kuruppuarachchi. Antecedent role of risk management culture to drive firm performance and Competitive advantage with the mediation effect of Agility in resilient supply chains, International Journal of Information, Business and Management, 2019, 11(1):10-33
8. Baoshan Liu, Xu Guan*, Haijun Wang*, Shihua Ma. Channel configuration and pay-on-delivery service with the endogenous delivery lead time. Omega: International Journal of Management Science,2019,84:175-188
9. Chompunoot Duangjan, Haijun Wang*. The moderating role of strategic integration in performance improvement through purchasing social responsibility in Thailand. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences,2019,36:248-259
10. Haijun Wang, Jie Tan*, Shuojia Guo, Shenhao Wang. High-value transportation disruption risk management: Shipment insurance with declared value. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2018,109: 293-310
11. Haijun Wang, Lijing Du*, Shihua Ma. Multi-objective open location-routing model with split delivery for optimized relief distribution in post-earthquake. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2014, 69:160-179
12. 王海军, 张瑞娜,郭羽洪,杨明. 零售商补贴对供应链可靠性协调策略影响研究, 管理工程学报, 2021,35(4): 190-201
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14. 王海军,谭洁,姬笑微. 政府奖惩下供应链复原能力提升机制的演化博弈分析.运筹与管理,2017,26(12):9-16
15. 王海军, 杜丽敬. 马士华.震后应急物流系统中双目标开放式选址:路径问题模型与算法研究. 管理工程学报, 2016, (02):108-115.
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18. 王海军, 黎卜豪, 刘康康. 应急救援下需求分配与网络配流研究. 系统工程理论与实践, 2015, (06):1457-1464.
19. 王海军, 王婧, 马士华, 杜丽敬.模糊供求条件下应急物资动态调度决策研究.中国管理科学, 2014, (01):55-64
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