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    互联网医疗医患行为 医疗健康大数据 智联网环境下服务模式创新
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    zh-deng@hust.edu. cn


2013年11月-2014年11月 德国达姆施塔特工业大学信息系统与电子服务系 访问学者

2008年8月-2009年8月 香港城市大学信息系统系 高级研究助理




电子健康管理 IT驱动的健康服务模式创新 移动医疗/智能医疗 医患信任


1. 2020.1-2023.12:国家自然科学基金面上项目:智能互联环境下全流程诊疗服务价值 创造模型与优化研究(71971092)

2. 2017.1-2020.12:国家自然科学基金面上项目:移动医疗环境下医患信任构建模型与 关系治理研究(71671073)

3. 2013.1-2015.12:国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于信任和感知价值的移动健康服务 用户采纳模型及优化策略研究(71201063)

4. 2019.9-2021.12 教育部哲学社会科学研究后期资助项目:移动医疗发展模式及用户使 用行为研究(19JHQ094)

5. 2012.6-2014.6: 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目:医改新形势下移动医疗服务用户 采纳行为动态演化机理研究(12YJC630031)

6. 2019.1-2021.12:76net必赢官网人文社会科学自主创新重大交叉培育项目:健康中国背景下基于大数据的智慧健康服务模式创新研究(2019WKZDJC004) 在研


1. Hong Wu, Zhaohua Deng (通讯作者), Bin Wang, Hao Wang. How online health community participation affects physicians’ performance in hospitals: Empirical evidence from China. Information & Management, online available https://doi.org/10.1016/j.im.2021.103443 (SSCI, Q1, IF:5.155).

2. Hong Wu, Zhaohua Deng (通讯作者), Bin Wang, Sumeet Gupta. How Does Service Price Influence Patient’s Sequent Decisions in Online Health Communities? Electronic Markets, accepted (SSCI, Q2 IF:2.981).

3. Gang Li; Guorui Fan; Yanyan Chen; Zhaohua Deng (通讯作者). What patients “see” doctors online during Cov-2019 in Wuhan? Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2020, 27(7): 1067-1071(SCI,Q1,IF:4.112)

4. Hong Wu;Zhaohua Deng(通讯作者),Bin Wang,Tailai Wu. Online Service qualities in the multistage process and patients’ compliments: a transaction cycle perspective. Information & Management. 2020, 57(5):103230 (SSCI, Q1, IF:5.155).

5. Hong Wu; Zhaohua Deng(通讯作者) , Knowledge Collaboration among Physicians in Online Health Communities: A Transactive Memory Perspective, International Journal of Information Management, 2019, 49:13-33(SSCI, Q1, IF: 8.210)

6. Li, J., Wu, H., Deng, Z. (通讯作者), Evans, R.D., Hong, Z. and Liu, S., Why online medical teams disband? The role of team diversity and leadership type, Information Technology & People, ahead-of-print. 2020, https://doi.org/10.1108/ITP-10-2019-0534(SSCI, Q2, IF:2.495)

7. Li, J., Deng, Z(通讯作者)., Evans, R.D., Liu, S. and Wu, H., How doctors take initiatives in online healthcare communities, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2020,120(7): 1401-1420. (SCI, Q2, IF:3.329)

8. Qing Ye; Zhaohua Deng (通讯作者);Yanyan Chen; Jiazhi Liao; Gang Li. Using Electronic Health Records Data to Evaluate the Impact of Information Technology on Improving Health Equity: Evidence from China. Journal of Medical Systems. 2019, 43:176-184 (SCI, Q2, IF:3.058)

9. Cong Ren; Zhaohua Deng (通讯作者) ; Ziying Hong, Wei Zhang. Health information in the digital age: An empirical study of the perceived benefits and costs of seeking and using health information from online sources, Health Information and Libraries Journal, 2019, 36(2):153-167 (SCI, IF:1.356)

10. Jiaying Li; Hong Wu; Zhaohua Deng(通讯作者); Evans Richard. How do professional capital and team heterogeneity affect the demands of team-based service? BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 2019,19: 119(SCI, Q2, IF:2.317)

11. Ziying Hong; Zhaohua Deng (通讯作者) , Wei Zhang. Examining factors affecting patients trust in online healthcare services in China: the moderating role of the purpose of use, Health Informatics Journal, 2019,25(4):1647-1660 (SCI, IF :2.932)

12. Wei Zhang; Zhaohua Deng(通讯作者); Ziying Hong; Evans Richard, Unhappy Patients Are Not Alike: Content Analysis of the Negative Comments from China's Good Doctor Website, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2018, 20(1): e35 (SCI, Q1, IF:5.034)

13. Tailai Wu; Zhaohua Deng(通讯作者); Donglan Zhang; Paula R. Buchanan; Dongqing Zha; Ruoxi Wang, Seeking and using intention of health information from doctors in social media: The effect of doctor-consumer interaction, International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2018,115: 106~113(SCI, Q2, IF:3.025)

14. Zhaohua Deng (邓朝华); Shan Liu, understanding consumer health information seeking behavior from the perspective of the risk perception attitude framework and social support in mobile social media websites, International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2017, 105: 98~109 (SCI, Q2, IF:3.025)

13. Zhaohua Deng (邓朝华); Shan Liu(*), Understanding consumer health information seeking behavior from the perspective of the risk perception attitude framework and social support in mobile social media websites, International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2017, 105: 98~109 (SCI, Q2, IF:3.025)

15. Hongyi Mao; Shan Liu(*); Jinlong Zhang; Zhaohua Deng, Information technology resource, knowledge management capability, and competitive advantage: The moderating role of resource commitment, International Journal of Information Management, 2016, 36(6): 1062~1074(SSCI, Q1, IF: 8.210)

16. Zhaohua Deng; Shan Liu(*); Oliver Hinz, The health information seeking and usage behavior intention of Chinese consumers through mobile phones, Information Technology and People, 2015, 28(2): 405~423 (SSCI, Q2, IF:2.495)

17. Shan Liu; Zhaohua Deng(通讯作者) , How Environment Risks Moderate the Effect of Control on Performance in Information Technology Projects: Perspectives of Project Managers and User Liaisons, International Journal of Information Management, 2015, 35(1): 80~87(SSCI, Q1, IF: 8.210)

18. Shan Liu; Zhaohua Deng(通讯作者) (*), Understanding knowledge management capability in business process outsourcing: a cluster analysis, Management Decision, 2015, 53(1): 124~138 (SSCI,IF:2.723)

19. Zhaohua Deng(通讯作者)(*); Xiuting Mo; Shan Liu, Comparison of the middle-aged and older users’ adoption of mobile health services in China, International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2014, 83(3): 210~224 (IJMI 热点论文,IF:3.025)

20. Zhaohua Deng(邓朝华)(*), Understanding public users’ adoption of mobile health service, International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2013, 11(4): 351~373(SSCI,IF:1.328)

21. Zhaohua Deng(邓朝华)(*); Yaobin Lu; Kwok Kee Wei; Jinlong Zhang, Understanding customer satisfaction and loyalty: An empirical study of mobile instant messages in China, International Journal of Information Management, 2010, 30(4): 289~300 (ESI 高被引论文)(SSCI, Q1, IF: 8.210)

22. Yaobin Lu; Zhaohua Deng(通讯作者); Bin Wang, Exploring Factors Affecting Chinese Consumers, Usage of Mobile Short Message Service for Personal Communication, Information Systems Journal, 2010, 20(2): 183~208 (SSCI,Q1,IF:4.188)

23. Zhaohua Deng; Yaobin Lu(*); Bin Wang; Jinlong Zhang; Kwok Kee Wei, Empirical study on users’ adoption and usage of mobile service: comparison of adopters and non-adopters, International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2010, 8(6): 561~584 (SSCI,IF:1.328)

24. Zhaohua Deng; Yaobin Lu(*); Shimin Deng; Jinlong Zhang, Exploring user adoption of mobile banking: an empirical study in China, International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 2010, 9(3): 289~301

25. Zhaohua Deng; Yaobin Lu; Bin Wang, Understanding Chinese enterprises’ adoption of enterprise short message services: combining IDT and TTF, International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 2009, 12(2): 192~215

26. Yaobin Lu; Zhaohua Deng; Bin Wang, Tourism and Travel Electronic Commerce in China, Electronic Markets, 2007, 17(2): 101~112(SSCI, Q2 IF:2.981).


1. Jiaying Li, Hong Wu, Zhaohua Deng(通讯作者). The Why of Abandonment: Effects of Team Diversity and Leadership Type on the Disbandment and Stagnation of Online Medical Teams. HICSS 2020 proceedings, 2020. Maui, Hawaii, USA.

2. Hongwu, Zhaohua Deng(通讯作者 ). Do Physicians’Online Activities Impact Outpatient Visits? An Examination of Online Health Communities. PACIS 2019 proceedings, 2019, Xian(Best Paper Award)

3. Xicheng Liu; Zhaohua Deng(通讯作者). An Empirical Study of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty on Health Websites. the Sixteenth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business. 2017, Wuhan, China

4. Zhaohua Deng; Jinlong Zhang. Applying Technology Acceptance Model to Explore the Determinants of Mobile Health Service: From the Perspective of Public User. The Eleventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business. 2012, Wuhan, China


1.邓朝华 著,移动健康服务用户行为模式研究,科学出版社,2016 年 3 月

2.邓朝华 著,移动服务用户使用行为及其满意度模型研究,科学出版社,2012 年 10 月

3.鲁耀斌,邓朝华,陈致豫 著,移动商务应用与用户采纳,科学出版社,2008 年 8 月


2015 76net必赢官网社会学论文被引频次前五位学者








2019 亚太信息系统国际会议(PACIS) 最佳论文奖

2019 陕西高等学校科学技术一等奖(4/6)

