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[1] 主持. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,“基于AI的信任机制设计与复杂产品系统创新研究”(72432003),项目直接经费161万元,2025/01-2029/12.

[2] 主持(首席专家). 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目,“我国高校0到1基础研究和基础创新战略研究”(21JZD056),项目经费80万元,2021/12-2024/12.

[3] 主持. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,“基于跨界共享的组织竞合与突破性创新机制研究”(71832004),项目直接经费240万元,2019/01-2023/12. (结题“优秀”)

[4] 子课题负责人. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,“和谐劳动关系:分享型领导、员工心理契约和组织人力资源政策研究”(71232001),项目直接经费240万元,2013/01-2017/12. (结题“优秀”)

[5] 主持. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“核心成员间地位差对团队产出的影响:第三方依赖视角”(71672070),项目直接经费48万元,2017/01-2020/12. (后评估“优秀”)

[6] 主持. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“高地位群体地位冲突对组织有效性的影响:分化与统整效应机制研究”(71272123),项目经费60万元,2013/01-2016/12. (后评估“特优”)

[7] 主持. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“组织内地位竞争对创造性产出的影响机制研究”(70972017),项目经费25万元,2010/01-2012/12. (后评估“优秀”)

[8] 主持. 教育部人文社科基金项目,“知识员工职业停滞的形成机理与治理对策研究”(08JC630029),2009/01-2011/12.



[1] 主持. 深圳市水务局水务人力资源规划

[2] 主持. 江苏省出版印刷物资公司现代人力资源管理体系设计

[3] 主持. 东莞以纯集团有限公司郑州办事处人力资源管理咨询与策划

[4] 主持. 郑州纳兰尔服饰有限公司组织发展与人力资源管理方案设计

[5] 主持. 河南平煤二矿现代绩效管理体系设计

[6] 主持. 湖北省人福药用辅料有限公司组织发展咨询项目




[1] Liu, Z., Zhou, K., & Wang, J. (2024). How Narcissism, Promotion Criteria, and Empowering Leadership Jointly Influence Creativity through Diverse Information Searching: An Expectancy Perspective. Human Relations. 1-20. (Online). (FT50, ABS 4星)

[2] Liu, Z., & Xu, Y. (2024). Stretch Goals and Radical Creativity: Cognitive Flexibility as a Key Contingency. Management and Organization Review. (Online).

[3] David, E.M., Kim, T.-Y., Kwan, H., & Liu, Z. (2024). Trickle-down Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employee Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Family-Supportive Supervisor Behaviors. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. (Accepted)

[4] Liu, Z., Huang, Y., & Kim, T.-Y. (2024). Perceived Overqualification and Employee Outcomes: The Dual Pathways and the Moderating Effects of Dual-Focused Transformational Leadership. Human Resource Management. 4(63), 653-671.(FT50, ABS 4星)

[5] Kim, T.-Y., Wang, X., Schuh, S. C. & Liu, Z. (2024). Effects of Organizational Innovative Climate within Organizations: The Roles of Managers’ Proactive Goal Regulation and External Environments. Research Policy. 53(5), 1-12. (FT50, ABS 4*星)

[6] Liu, Z., Ozer, M., & Zhou, K. (2024). The Role of Status Diversity in the Innovative Performance of R&D Teams. R & D Management. 55(1), 60-75.

[7] Schuh, S. C., Kim, T.-Y., Wang, X., & Liu, Z*. (2024). Effects of Entrepreneurial Orientation Within Organizations: The Role of Passion for Inventing and Organizational Identification. Journal of Management. 50(7), 2784-2817. (FT50, ABS 4*星)

[8] Liu, Z., Ouyang, X., Kim, T.-Y., & Chen, Y. (2024). Workplace Status Difference and Proactive Behavior: The Role of Perceived Insider Status and Promotion Criteria. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 97(2), 747-766. (ABS 4星)

[9] Kumar, N., Jin, Y., & Liu, Z. (2024). The Nexus between Servant Leadership and Employee's Creative Deviance for Creativity Inside Learning and Performance Goal-oriented Organizations. Management Decision. 62(4), 1117-1137.

[10] Li, J., Liu, Z., Tao, X., Chen, S., & Chen, S. (2024). Abusive supervision, power distance, and creative process engagement: a moderated mediation model in confucian societies. Current Psychology. 43(15), 13465-13479.

[11] Lee, B., Kim, T.-Y., Kim, S., Liu, Z*., & Wang, Y*. (2023). Socially Responsible Human Resource Management and Employee Performance: The Roles of Perceived External Prestige and Employee Human Resource Attributions. Human Resource Management Journal. 33 (4), 828-845. (ABS 4*星)

[12] Cheng, Y., Kim, Y.-K., Liu, Z*., & Wang, G*. (2023). Predictors of Employees’ Strike Attitudes in Multinational Corporations in China: A Multilevel Relational Model. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 34 (1), 28-67.

[13] Ouyang, X., Liu, Z., & Gui, C. (2023). The Interactive Effects of Intragroup Cooperation and Competition: Toward the Paradox Perspective. Management Decision. 61(3), 655-672.

[14] Abbas, S. M., Liu, Z*., & Khushnood, M. (2023). When Human Meets Technology: Unlocking Hybrid Intelligence Role in Breakthrough Innovation Engagement via Self-Extension and Social Intelligence. Journal of Computer Information Systems. 63(5), 1183-1200.

[15] Nabi, M. N., Liu, Z., & Hasan, N. (2023). Investigating the Effects of Leaders’ Stewardship Behavior on Radical Innovation: A Mediating Role of Knowledge Management Dynamic Capability and Moderating Role of Environmental Uncertainty. Management Research Review. 46 (2), 173-195.

[16] Liu, Z., Ouyang, X., & Pan, X. (2023). Experiencing Tensions, Regulatory Focus and Employee Creativity: The Moderating Role of Hierarchical Level. Chinese Management Studies. 17(1), 178-196.

[17] Nabi, M. N., Liu, Z., Hasan, N. (2023). Examining the Nexus between Transformational Leadership and Follower's Radical Creativity: The Role of Creative Process Engagement and Leader Creativity Expectation. International Journal of Emerging Markets. 18(10), 4383-4407.

[18] Liu, Z., Zhou, R., Wei, L., Ouyang, X., & Zhou, K. (2023). How and When does Leader Narcissism Hinder Team Radical Creativity?The Role of Team Information Elaboration and Inter-team Competition. Chinese Management Studies. 17(1), 46-63.

[19] Dong, M. C., Huang, Q., & Liu, Z*. (2022). Adjusting Supply Chain Involvement in Countries with Politician Turnover: A Contingency Framework. Journal of Operations Management. 68(8), 824-854. (UTD24, FT50, ABS 4*星)

[20] Kim, T., Y., Liden, B., Liu, Z*., & Wu, B. (2022). The Interplay of Leader–Member Exchange and Peer Mentoring in Teams on Team Performance via Team Potency. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 43 (5), 932-945. (ABS 4星)

[21] Liu, Z., Huang, Y., Huang, Y., Song, Y., & Kumar, A. (2022). How Does One-sided versus Two-sided Customer Orientation Affect B2B Platform's Innovation: Differential Effects with Top Management Team Status. Journal of Business Research. 141(2022), 619-632.

[22] Ouyang, X., Liu, Z., & Zhang, Y. (2022), Firm Size and Innovation: A Meta-analysis Based on the Awareness-motivation-capability Perspective. International Journal of Innovation Management. 26 (6), 1-27.

[23] Liu, Z., Yan, M., Fan, Y., & Chen, L. (2021). Ascribed or Achieved? The Role of Birth Order on Innovative Behaviour in the Workplace. Journal of Business Research. 134(2021), 480-492.

[24] Ouyang, X., Liu, Z. & Gui, C. (2021). Creativity in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: A Meta-analysis. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(10), 3685-3704.

[25] Kim, T.-Y., David, E. M., & Liu, Z*. (2021). Perceived Cognitive Diversity and Creativity: A Multilevel Study of Motivational Mechanisms and Boundary Conditions. Journal of Creative Behavior. 55(1), 168-182.

[26] Liu, Z., Pan, X., & Zhu, T. (2021). Striving Orientation, Creative Deviance Engagement and Employee Creativity: Perspective of Structural Strain. Chinese Management Studies. 15(4), 821-842.

[27] Gong, Y., Kim, T.-Y., Liu, Z*. (2020). Diversity of Social Ties and Creativity: Creative Self-Efficacy as Mediator and Tie Strength as Moderator. Human Relations. 73(12), 1664-1688. (FT50, ABS 4星)

[28] Zeng, F., Ye, Q., Dong, M. C., Huang, Z., & Liu, Z*. (2020). Legitimizing Actions in Dependence-Asymmetry Relationships: A Comparison between Chinese and Western Firms. Industrial Marketing Management. 88 (7), 163-172.

[29] Chen, Y., Kim, Y.-K., Liu, Z., Wang, G., & Zhao, G. (2018). Can HPWS and Unions Work Together to Reduce Employee Turnover Intention in Foreign MNCs in China? Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations. 24(1), 213-242. (Paper in books)

[30] Kim, T.-Y., & Liu, Z*. (2017). Taking Charge and Employee Outcomes: The Moderating Effect of Emotional Competence, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(5), 775-793.

[31] Dong, M. C., Liu, Z*., Yu, Y., & Zheng, J.-H. (2015). Opportunism in Distribution Networks: The Role of Network Embeddedness and Dependence. Production and Operations Management. 24 (10), 1657-1670. (UTD24, FT50, ABS 4星)

[32] Liu, Z., Yang, Z., Zeng, F., & Waller, D. (2015). The Developmental Process of Unethical Consumer Behavior: An Investigation Grounded in China. Journal of Business Ethics, 128(2), 411-432. (FT50, ABS 4星)

[33] Kim, T.-Y., Liu, Z*., & Diefendorff, J. (2015). Leader-Member Exchange and Job performance: The Effects of Taking Charge and Organizational Tenure. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 36(2), 216-231. (ABS 4星)

[34] Tang, G., Cai, Z., Liu, Z*., Zhu, H., Yang, X., & Li, J. (2015). The Importance of Ethical Leadership in Employees’ Value Congruence and Turnover. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. 56(4), 397-410.

[35] Chen, Y., Chen, Z., Zhong, L., Son, J., Zhang, X., & Liu, Z. (2015). Social exchange spillover in leader-member relations: A multilevel model. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 36(5), 673-697. (ABS 4星)

[36] Liu, Z., Zhu, H., Li, J., Cai, Z., & Wang, L. (2014). Chinese Firms’ Sustainable Development ---the Role of Future Orientation, Environmental Commitment and Employee Training. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 31(1), 195-213.

[37] Liu, Z., Cai, Z., Li, J., Shi, S., & Fang, Y. (2013). Leadership Style and Employee Turnover Intentions: A social Identity Perspective. Career Development International. 18(3), 305-324.

[38] Moran, C. M., Diefendorff, J. M., Kim, T-Y., & Liu, Z. (2012). A Profile Approach to Self-determination Theory Motivations at Work. Journal of Vocational Behavior. 81(3), 354-363. (ABS 4星)

[39] Li, J., Huang, J., Liu, Z*., Zhu, H., & Cai, Z. Y. (2012). The Effect of Employee Training on the Relationship between Environmental Attitude and Firm Performance in Sustainable Development. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 23 (14), 2995-3008.

[40] Jian, Z. Q., Kwan, H. K., Qiu, Q., Liu, Z.., & Yim, F. H. (2012). Abusive Supervision and Frontline Employees’ Service Performance. Service Industries Journal, 32 (5), 683-698.

[41] Li, J., Tang, G., Wang, X., Yan, M. & Liu, Z. (2012). Collectivistic –HRM, firm strategy and firm performance: An empirical test. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 23(1), 190-203.

[42] Liu, Z., Zeng, F. E, & Su, C. T. (2009). Does Relationship Quality Matter in Consumer Ethical Decision-Making? Evidence from China. Journal of Business Ethics, 88, 483-496. (FT50, ABS 4星)

(*Corresponding author)


[1] 王红丽,陈政任,李振,刘智强,梁翠琪,赵彬洁. (2024). 何以跳脱时间困境:算法控制对零工工作者影响效应的主观时间边界. 心理学报. 已接收. (心理学A)

[2] 刘智强, 黄雨琦, 潘晓庆, 俞紫懿, 周蓉. (2024). 主动应变育新机:员工人工智能警觉与创造力关系研究,管理工程学报,已接收. (基金委A)

[3] 刘智强, 王子婧,程欢,许玉平,倪佳豪. (2024). 迎难而上:知觉资源稀缺对员工突破性创造力的影响机制研究. 管理工程学报. 38 (1), 88-100. (基金委A)

[4] 刘智强, 许玉平, 许建伟, 周蓉, 龙立荣. (2023). 创新期望差距与团队突破性创新:自我调节理论视角, 心理学报. 55(2), 272-285. (心理学A)

[5] 许玉平, 严荣笑,刘智强, 程欢, 卫利华. (2023). 独特性需求对员工突破性和渐进性创造力的影响,管理评论. 35(6), 193-204. (基金委A)

[6] 张永军, 李亚, 邓传军, 刘智强*. (2023). 团队间竞争对亲团队非伦理行为的影响:一个跨层模型的检验,管理工程学报. 37(1), 47-56. (基金委A)

[7] 赵君, 汪惠玉, 刘智强,王彦. (2023). 高管团队异质性对突破性创新的影响机制研究. 管理学报. 20 (9),1303-1312.

[8] 周空, 应雪晴, 张兆国, 刘智强. (2023). 领导自恋对团队突破性创造力的双刃剑效应研究. 管理学报. 20 (11), 1649-1659.

[9] 刘智强. (2023). 中国企业人力资源管理实践的微观情境与发展契机. 管理学季刊. 8 (1), 32-40.

[10] 刘智强, 卫利华, 周空, 廖书迪. (2022). 社会距离视角下集体心理所有权对团队突破性创造力的影响研究. 中国工业经济. 12, 166-184. (基金委A)

[11] 赵君, 张永军, 刘智强*, 刘钰婧. (2022). 绩效考核政治结构及其对反生产行为的影响. 管理工程学报. 36(1), 99-110. (基金委A)

[12] 张永军, 孙亚笛, 刘智强. (2022). 剥削型领导对员工强制性公民行为的影响机制研究. 管理学报. 19(04), 525-533.

[13] 常涛,李雅馨,刘智强. (2022). 地位冲突不对称与团队创造力的曲线关系研究. 管理学报. 19(1), 46-55+84.

[14] 刘智强, 严荣笑, 唐双双. (2021). 领导创新期望与员工突破性创新投入:基于悖论理论的研究,管理世界,37(10), 226-241. (基金委A)

[15] 刘智强, 潘晓庆, 卫利华, 许玉平. (2021). 集体心理所有权与创造力:自我决定理论视角. 管理科学学报, 24 (11), 98-115. (基金委A)

[16] 邓传军, 刘智强*. (2021). 非正式地位对员工主动变革行为的影响机制研究. 管理评论, 33(4), 215-224. (基金委A)

[17] 刘智强, 周蓉, 周空, 严荣笑. (2021). OBHRM领域的突破性创新研究:现状、整合与展望,管理学报,18(9), 1401-1411.

[18] 包艳,廖建桥,刘智强. (2021). 新权力范式对组织行为管理的影响及对策研究. 管理学报,18(5), 695-703.

[19] 赵君,刘钰婧,赵书松,刘智强*. (2021). 科研情绪耗竭如何诱发科研不端行为:基于自我损耗理论的解释. 科学学与科学技术管理. 42(2), 30-44.

[20] 赵君,刘钰婧,梅伟,刘智强*. (2020). 真实型领导、内部人身份认知与顺从型组织公民行为:一个有调节的U型中介效应模型. 管理工程学报,35(1), 36-46. (基金委A)

[21] 张永军, 赵君, 刘智强. (2020). 亲组织非伦理行为的私利风险及作用机制研究. 管理学报. 17(11), 1642-1650+1728.

[22] 赵书松, 王韵茹, 刘智强. (2020). 绩效工资强度和道德基础差异性对道德型领导下行效应的阻抑机制. 管理学报. 17(8), 1159-1168.

[23] 赵书松, 王子婧, 刘智强, 赵君. (2020). 绩效考核政治对下属伦理产出的影响机制研究. 管理学报. 17(2), 204-215.

[24] 刘智强. (2020). 基于跨界共享的组织竞合与突破性创新机制研究. 人力资源管理评论. 1, 1-2.

[25] 倪佳豪,刘智强,程欢. (2020). 组织间/内竞合研究的中外比较:基于知识图谱的可视化分析. 人力资源管理评论. 1, 14-26.

[26] 卫利华, 刘智强, 廖书迪, 龙立荣, 廖建桥. (2019). 集体心理所有权、地位晋升标准与团队创造力,心理学报,51(6), 677-687. (心理学A)

[27] 刘智强, 卫利华,周空,廖书迪. (2019). 地位冲突的“双面”特性与团队创新. 南开管理评论. 22(4), 177-186. (基金委A)

[28] 刘智强, 周空, 倪佳豪. (2019). 组织内竞合的研究评述与未来展望. 管理学报. 16(8), 1245-1254.

[29] 常涛, 吴佳敏, 刘智强. (2019). 地位稳定性与团队创造力:任务相关特征的影响, 科学学与科学技术管理,40(9), 119-134.

[30] 刘桃,李骥,刘敏,宋琪,刘智强*. (2019). 可持续发展战略对企业社会责任的影响:员工技能培训的调节作用. 中国人力资源开发. 36(5), 22-33.

[31] 刘智强, 卫利华, 王凤娟, 唐双双. (2018). 上下级GNS、激励机制选择与创造性产出,管理世界,34(9), 95-108. (基金委A)

[32] 常涛,刘智强,周苗. (2018). 团队中成员间人际竞争维度解构:调节聚焦视角,管理工程学报,32(4), 28-36. (基金委A)

[33] 邓传军, 刘智强, 王凤娟. (2017). 非正式地位、错误管理文化与员工创新行为选择. 管理评论, 29(4), 154-195. (基金委A)

[34] 邓传军,刘智强,邱洪华. (2017). 领导成员交换调节作用下中端正式地位和员工工作绩效关系研究. 管理学报,14(10), 1456-1464.

[35] 常涛,周苗,刘智强. (2017). “领导低估型”内在认同不对称对员工主动行为的影响研究,管理学报,14(8), 1172-1181.

[36] 常涛, 刘智强, 景保峰. (2016). 家长式领导与团队创造力:基于三元理论的新发现. 研究与发展管理. 28(1), 62-72.

[37] 刘智强, 李超, 廖建桥, 龙立荣. (2015). 组织中地位、地位赋予方式与员工创造性产出:来自国有企事业单位的实证研究,管理世界, 3, 86-101. (基金委A)

[38] 刘智强, 邓传军, 廖建桥, 龙立荣. (2015). 组织支持、地位认知与员工创新:雇佣多样性视角,管理科学学报, 18(10), 80-94. (基金委A)

[39] 刘智强, 葛靓, 王凤娟. (2015). 组织任期与员工创新:基于地位属性和文化差异的元分析, 南开管理评论. 18(6), 4-15. (基金委A)

[40] 刘智强, 葛靓, 潘欣, 刘芬. (2014). 可变薪酬支付力度、地位竞争动机与员工创新行为研究,管理学报, 11(10),1460-1468.

[41] 常涛, 刘智强, 王艳子. (2014). 绩效薪酬对员工创造力的影响研究:面子压力的中介作用,科学学与科学技术管理,35(9), 171-180.

[42] 廖建桥, 闫云云, 刘智强. (2014). 强制分布法负面效应的规避方法研究, 工业工程与管理, 19(6), 1-6.

[43] 刘智强,邓传军,廖建桥,龙立荣. (2013). 地位竞争动机、地位赋予标准与员工创新行为选择. 中国工业经济. 10, 83-95. (基金委A)

[44] 刘智强, 李超, 刘芬. (2012). 网络嵌入与个体创造性:关系、述评及拓展建议. 管理学报. 9 (9), 1397-1404.

[45] 刘子军, 刘智强,廖建桥. (2011). 上市公司高管团队薪酬差距影响因素与影响效应:基于本土特色的实证研究. 管理评论. 23 (9), 119-127. (基金委A)

[46] 吕倩,刘智强,廖建桥. (2010). 工资指导线制度影响因素研究-----宏观经济分析视角. 管理科学, 23 (5), 114-121. (基金委A)

[47] 亓寿伟, 刘智强. (2009). “天花板效应”还是“地板效应”:探讨国有与非国部门性别工资差异的分布与成因. 数量经济技术经济研究, 11, 63-77. (基金委A)

[48] 刘智强, 荆波. (2008). 组织政治行为对组织沉默的影响实证研究. 预测. 3, 36-42. (基金委A)

[49] 刘智强, 廖建桥. (2007).员工职业停滞的理论分类与现实判定. 中国工业经济. 6, 21-29. (基金委A)

[50] 廖建桥, 张凌, 刘智强. (2006). 基尼系数与企业内部薪酬分配合理性研究.中国工业经济, 2, 98-105. (基金委A)

[51] 刘智强, 廖建桥, 李震. (2006). 员工自愿离职倾向关键性影响因素分析. 管理工程学报. 4, 142-145. (基金委A)

[52] 刘智强,曾伏娥. (2006). 技术创新全球化趋势及其对国家创新系统边界的影响. 研究与发展管理, 18(1), 26-32.

[53] 刘智强, 廖建桥. (2004). 人力资源再造:改写组织命运的革新工程. 南开管理评论, 4, 88-93. (基金委A)

[54] 刘智强, 廖建桥. (2004). 管理者提升商数通用性测度指标的确立与模糊评价. 中国工业经济, 8, 82-89. (基金委A)



[1] Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference (Chicago, Illinois, USA, Aug. 9-13, 2024). “Cognitive DA fit and employee creativity: The moderating effect of task idiosyncratic deals”.

[2] Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference (Boston, Massachusetts, Aug. 7 - August 11, 2023). “Stretch Goals and Radical Creative Engagement: Cognitive Flexibility as a Key Contingency”.

[3] Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference (Boston, Massachusetts, Aug. 7 - August 11, 2023). “Trickle-Down Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employee Outcomes: Leader Role Modeling”.

[4] Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference (online, July 29 - August 4, 2022). “Exploring the Flow of Entrepreneurial Orientation Within Firms: A Cross-Level, Cascading Effects”.

[5] Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference (online, July 29 - August 4, 2021). “How narcissism, promotions criterion, and empowering leadership jointly influence radical creativity”.

[6] Academy of Management (AOM) Specialized Conference in Bled, Slovenia (October 23 - 25, 2019). “Influencing Mechanism of Relational Leadership towards Employee Voluntary Green Behavior-A Multi-theory Perspective”.

[7] Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference in Boston, Massachusetts (August 9-13, 2019). “Based on the Theory of Territoriality: How Employees Respond to Status Distance”.

[8] Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference in Boston, Massachusetts (August 9-13, 2019). “The Incentive and Sorting Effects of Pay-for-Performance and Punishment-for-Underperformance”.

[9] Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois, USA (August 10 - 14, 2018). “Employees’ Attitudes Toward Strike in Multinational Corporations in China”.

[10] Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, USA (August 4-8, 2017). “Workplace Conflict, Status-conferral Criteria and Job Performance: Status Competition Perspective”. 

[11] Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference in Anaheim, California, USA (August 5-9, 2016). "Horizontal Meets Vertical Social Exchange: The Interplay of Peer Mentoring network and Leader-member Exchange on Team Potency and Team Effectiveness"

[12] Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (August 7-11, 2015), “Cognitive Diversity and Creativity: A Multilevel Investigation”.

[13] Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida, USA. (August, 2013). “Linking Influence Centrality and Employee Outcomes: The Effects of Trust Centrality”.

[14] Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. (August, 2012). “Leader-Member Exchange and Employee Outcomes: The Effects of Taking Charge”.

[15] Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas, USA. (August, 2011). “A Cross-Level Investigation of the Trust-Creativity Relationship”.

[16] Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference in Montreal, Canada. (August, 2010). “Career Self-Efficacy, Skill Development and Career Outcomes: A Social Cognitive Approach”.

[17] Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference in Montreal, Canada. (August, 2010). “High-Performance Work Systems and Employee Creativity”.



[1] 刘智强 主编. 《薪酬管理》,高等教育出版社,2024.6(教材).

[2] 刘智强,刘容志,赵君 编著. 《薪酬管理案例集》,武汉大学出版社,2023年(教材).

[3] 刘智强、关培兰 主编. 《组织行为学》(第5版),中国人民大学出版社,2020.1(教材).

[4] 刘智强 副主编(杨治,胡艳华主编). 《管理学类课程思政案例教学设计与导引》,中国经济出版社. 2023年(教材).

[5] 刘智强 独译,《西点军校的领导力》(钻石版),北京:电子工业出版社,2020.1(译著).

[6] 刘智强著,《知识员工职业停滞的测量与治理》,武汉:湖北人民出版社,2008.5(专著).

[7] 李超平,徐世勇.《管理与组织研究:常用的60个理论》. 刘智强, 严荣笑. 社会契约理论. 北京大学出版社. 2019, 379-386(专著).

[8] 李超平,徐世勇. 《管理与组织研究必读的40个理论》. 刘智强译. 吸收能力理论. 北京大学出版社. 2017, 1-7(译著).



[1] 刘智强、卫利华、周空、廖书迪. “地位冲突的‘双面’特性与团队创新”,第十三届(2022)湖北省社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖,湖北省人民政府.

[2] 刘智强、卫利华、王凤娟、唐双双. “上下级GNS、激励机制选择与创造性产出”,第十二届(2020)湖北省社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖,湖北省人民政府.

[3] 邓传军、刘智强、邱洪华. “正式地位、领导成员交换和个体工作绩效”,第十届(2017)河南省人文社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖. 河南省人民政府.

[4] 刘智强、廖建桥、龙立荣、邓传军.  “地位竞争动机、地位赋予标准与员工创新行为”,第十届(2016)湖北省社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖,湖北省人民政府.

[5] 刘智强、俞紫懿、潘晓庆、邵云飞. 突破性创新研究演进与前沿:基于SSCI和CSSCI期刊的可视化分析. 2021年湖北省人力资源学会年会论文特等奖.

[6] Huang, Y., Liu, Z., Xu, Y., & Wang, Z. “Invest in one or more? Investment, Distributed Innovation, and Radical Innovation in Business Groups: The Role of Control Intensity”. 2024 R&D Management International Conference优秀论文.

[7] 袁春艳、刘智强. “团队学习目标导向对团队创造力的影响机制研究:团队创新自我效能的中介作用和领导实施支持的调节作用”. 2019年湖北省人力资源学会年会论文特等奖.

[8] 邓传军、刘智强、邱洪华. “正式地位、领导成员交换和个体工作绩效”,第五届(2016)中国人力资源管理年会最佳论文奖.

[9] 刘智强. “组织中的创造力与创新研究”, 76net必赢官网2022年前沿研究成果奖二等奖.

[10] 刘智强、俞紫懿、黄雨琦. 资源保存视角下员工人工智能(AI)意识对突破性创造力的影响研究,第九届(2021)中国人力资源管理论坛曙明论文奖三等奖.

[11] 邵云飞、王江涛、刘智强. “企业突破性创新策略选择与政府补贴的博弈研究”,中国技术经济学会第二十七届学术年会(2020)优秀论文三等奖.

[12] 周二华、刘智强、丁秀好、龙立荣. 第二届(2022)湖北省高校教师教学创新大赛特等奖. 2022.6.

[13] 刘智强. 76net必赢官网2023年度“三育人奖”

[14] 刘智强. 第八届(2023)中国大学生人力资源创新实践大赛总决赛,指导教师特等奖.

[15] 刘智强. 指导工商管理专业本科生获第七届(2021)HRU大学生人力资源职业技能竞赛国际赛区总决赛AAAA团队(最高等级),优秀指导教师.


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